Monday, November 2, 2009

UNLV Homecoming 2009

Ocotber 2009 was a big month for me because it was Homecoming month for UNLV. During homecoming week 10-12-10/17/09 was a week of festivities and fun, but the most excitement was that I was on the HC Court! What I thought would not happen, happened. As Spectrum's representative, I was very proud to come out to the world and proclaim who I really am. As UNLV's first transgender court member, it seemed to be an accomplishment for me. Although I did not win HC King, I felt that I have set precedence for the future for other students to run for HC King or Queen as who they really are. What has come out of all of this is that at other schools there was recently a transgender HC Queen from William and Mary College. Although this may be a small gain, it is going to become more visable in future generations to come. To come out and proclaim to the world this is who you are and be confident as your true self is an accomplishment in its self when we live in a world that forces us to conform to what society expects us to be: Perfect and and follow the crowd. As for me, I am myself, and nobody can do anything about it. To be yourself, is the most heoric thing to do living in a conforming society. I am proud of who I am and what I am, being me! I am not only a student, a person with a disability, a racial and sexual minority, but a well rounded and educated person who follows my heart. It does not matter who you are, be proud and happy of who you are and never forget that. Life is so interesting and exciting when you experience new things in life!

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